Written by Ariele.
The game board is inspired by the structure of ancient Greek amphitheatres, and will feature 3D elements that can be built by the players and taken apart to be stored easily away.
The two parts of the board will be a 3D Theatron element and a classic 2D board Skene element.
This is a 3D structure built in rigid paper pieces that can be slotted together and taken apart, It will be where the card stacks for each player are placed.
This is a simple 2D element that will be used to place cards that are at play, so they can be seen by each player clearly.
The players will sit behind the Skene section, facing the Theatron as if they are on stage and facing the audience.
The structure of the 3d element of the board is going to be a Jigzle puzzle, this can be manufactured from wood or cardboard for an environmentally friendly option. Similar concepts are shown in the game Wingspan.
The structure we will be replicating won’t be as intricate as some of these examples, as it needs to be taken apart and put together quite quickly.
The board is made up of several puzzle pieces that can be put together, here is an example of the finished product and the pieces and assembly of one section of the Theatron. The Theatron sections will have jigsaw pieces at the bottom to link them together and perhaps a tray with handles to lift and move it.
The cards will be divided into two sections each containing the description for two different types of action; the direction at the top and the feat at the bottom. the direction is an action to be played by the director onto other players, while the feat is an action to be played by the person playing the card.